The Golf Performance process is designed to help golfers who have continually hit a plateau in their game and are experiencing inconsistencies. This causes frustration, disappointment, and a lack of progress that is keeping them from having more fun and reaching their potential.
In our process, we have teamed up with the top professionals who are experts in their field. We all want what is best for our clients performance and helping them continually improve and play at a high level. As long as building the foundation (phase 1) is first the other steps don’t have to be in this particular order. This is the golf performance model and steps we recommend for best results.
Process Steps
Foundation & Skill Work: This is the beginning of the learning process (Foundation Lesson Program). Each golfer needs to have a basic understanding of the fundamentals for each skill in order to experience success on the golf course. Learning how to practice effectively is also important. 24/7 Golf Performance coaches skill drills and games that can be practiced year round at the course or at home off a mat and net. Getting back to the basics and fundamentals with grip, aim, set-up, and impact position is always apart of this process.
Club Fitting & Shot Dispersion: Getting fitted after practicing effectively and having a consistent shot dispersion is one of the best investments for your golf game. We send all of our clients to GRIPS Golf because they use the TrackMan launch monitor which is extremely accurate for face angle to path direction, ball speed, club speed, spin rate, and overall distance. The TrackMan data helps our clients have confidence in their average distances for each club in a controlled environment. They also know that their clubs fit their body, swing, and belong in their bag. We recommend getting clubs and distances checked two to three times per year especially after increasing clubhead speed because of golf fitness training. Missing the shot long and over the green is often more penalizing than leaving the ball short and below the hole. Being confident in club selection allows the golfer to commit to the shot and choose the correct target on the fairway or green.
Golf Performance Coaching & Fitness Training:
Assessments – Physical Limitations & Skills
A. 24/7 Golf Performance uses Uneekor Technology to analyze the swing and club data to identify the swing characteristics or compensations that cause inconsistency in contact and ball flight.
B. Assess the body using Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) screens and Functional Golf System 3DMAPS that find out where lack of flexibility, mobility, stability, and balance is causing compensations and negatively impacting the golf swing.
C. Assess each skill used on the golf course for inconsistency in contact, distance control, and club face angle to club path direction.
After the assessments SWS Golf Performance can create a swing and exercise program based off of what the golfer can physically do.
Coaching: The process of understanding where the client is mentally in their game and how to prepare and have intentional focus for each shot. The client will also learn how to use the ground and move more efficiently to improve golf performance.
Golf Performance Fitness Training Process: 1. flexibility / mobility 2. stability 3. balance 4. strength 5. speed The main priority of golf fitness training is injury prevention and power development. 24/7 Golf Performance frequently screens each client for compensations due to tightness and poor movement patterns. Once the client is moving well without compensation, power training becomes the focus for maximizing distance off the tee box, which equates to lower scores.
Course Strategy & Mental Game: This step involves the preparation and understanding of the golf course, target and club selection for each tee shot, and approach shot to the green. Kevin Kring is the expert on our team that focuses on course strategy. Playing in tournaments or competitive rounds challenges the nerves. Emotions can negatively impact the decision making process and score. If the focus is on future results instead of the process to achieve those results the golfer’s performance and score is going to suffer. Kevin has a system in place that guides the golfer to make better decisions on the course especially under pressure. There is nothing more satisfying than buying into this system, trusting the process, and seeing the results take place without making any changes to the golf swing.
Health & Nutrition: Health is often an overlooked area but is one of the most important for golf performance. Pain is the first sign of your body telling you to address it now before injury takes place, which slows the golfer down and negatively impacts golf performance. 24/7 Golf Performance refers to a team of medical professional’s that can assess and keep our golfers healthy so they can continue to practice, play, and improve.
Nutrition is also apart of the golf performance process. What we eat and drink before, during, and after a round of golf especially on multiple day tournaments can make or break the score because of fatigue and lack of mental focus. The Registered Dietitians at Achieving Your Best help coach our clients on food preparation and what is optimal for golf performance.
Stages of Growth
Stage 1
Initial changes to body and swing will feel awkward and sore because it is a new movement and muscles are being used that were hardly ever used before due to exercises. Sticking to the process is necessary to feel confident in the changes so you can start making progress moving forward. The golfer may experience failure right away because of the learning process and changes but they may also feel and see a few shots that explode off the clubface.
Stage 2
The body and swing will really start feeling loose and relaxed because of the exercises, swing drills, and new movement patterns. You will start having more energy throughout the day from being active and you will notice your not sore from doing certain everyday activities. You will also notice an improved golf swing where you are hitting more solid shots where the golf ball travels farther with less effort.
Stage 3
Your body and swing is really transforming and your overall game has improved as the scores keep getting lower because of improved skill from practicing effectively. You are having more fun and experiencing success in every aspect of your game. You are no longer having to think through your golf swing but rather feeling the correct movement patterns and shot preparation that produce results. You feel stronger and more confident in all areas.
* The amount of time to progress through each stage depends on how much each client follows and implements the Golf Performance process. It is a long term investment but worth it because it is a game you can enjoy and play well for the rest of your life. Your health, body, and game will thank you.