The difference between golf lessons and the Golf Performance (BBi) Brain Body intelligence model is the process. Golf lessons are great for teaching the fundamentals and helping the student build a solid foundation (phase 1) but eventually, their game will plateau. The Golf Performance BBi model is the second phase to long-term improvement.
These are the key areas that differentiate the Golf Performance BBi model:
- Finding the source of the problem and not just trying to solve the symptoms. If you can’t consistently produce an effective golf swing because of poor understanding or the trial and error approach, no amount of golf lessons will solve your problem. The Golf Performance (BBi) model will help you understand the correct movements and learning process that takes place for each skill.
- Using this approach, everything is connected. The BBi practices are science-based and simple to understand and actually apply (applied science). This approach is based off the primary movements you do every day so it becomes a lifestyle.
- There will be results! Since implementing this Golf Performance BBi model, multiple clients have won or placed in tournaments and recorded their lowest-scoring rounds ever. They attribute their success to our process as many of our clients have taken lessons or golf schools from the best instructors in the Country before committing to our programs. Often with golf lessons or schools, there is very little accountability for results and there is information overload. The Golf Performance BBi model is all about accountability and results.
- BBi (Brain Body intelligence) has given SWS Golf the tools to help each golfer create their own swing blue print. Each client who follows this new process get to decide how their swing develops through contrasting. They will actually understand and learn how to apply and teach themselves based off visual and kinesthetic feedback (see it, feel it, correct it; see it, feel it, repeat it). It is a simple approach to long term improvement!
The Difference – Traditional vs. Brain Body Intelligence
Traditional Coaching
Ground-Up Theory
Focused on Reactions
Primarily Subjective
Constantly Changes
Open Loop Learning
Practice Trying to Do “It” Correctly
Human-Centered Standard
Creates Beehive Brain (Over-Thinking)
No Fundamentals (Based on the Definition)
Works Against Neuroplasticity Principles
Uses Biomechanics & Planes of Motion
Complicated & Easily Misinterpreted
No Set Language Between Student & Teacher
Dependent on the Teacher for Instruction
Lots of Tips & Band-Aid Fixes
Teaching Aids are a Necessity
Believes Exercises Help Correct Swing Faults
Repetition Used as a Primary Learning Tool
Driving Range Used for Teaching & Learning
Ground Force is an Action (Try to Apply It)
BBI (Brain-Body intelligence) Coaching
Top-Down Law of Gravity
Focuses Only on the Action
100% Objective
Never Changes (Truth is Timeless)
Closed Loop Learning
Practices Both Right & Wrong Way (Contrast)
Physics & Neuroscience Standard
Eliminates Beehive Brain
Only Fundamentals Are Used
Founded on Neuroplasticity Principles
Uses the TG Method Kinetic Chain
Third-Grade Level and Below
A Set Language Between Student & Teacher
Student Learns How to Teach Themselves
Long Term Fixes
Only Use Teaching Aids for Training Stage
Believes Exercise Cannot Correct Poor Mechanics
Self-testing is the Primary Learning Tool
Driving Range is Not a Place to Learn
Ground Force is a Reaction (Don’t Try to Do It)